Vines in Bloom


Photo by Alan Weiner

When tiny white blossoms appear on a green grape cluster in formation, the vines are beginning to pollinate… It’s a time we grape growers call “bloom;” a critical time when vineyards are most vulnerable because bloom is about reproduction. Just like us, grapevines are driven to procreate. But unlike we humans, grapevines are self-pollinating; they don’t need the help of bees, insects, or even another grapevine to reproduce.

Early stages of bloom

Male organs (stamen) in every flower fire pollen at the female organ (pistil) to form a tiny grape; but if rain or wind stop the pollen connecting with the female side, there will be no grape. So, this time of year, we vineyard owners are praying for sunshine and good weather to ensure a happy and successful romance.

So how was “bloom” 2024? Lots of sun and warm weather got this courtship off to a great start, culminating in a largely successful vinous romance. In other words, I foresee a reasonably large 2024 crop and plenty of wine to go around! Check back in a few months for an update on how this whole new family is faring in the run up to harvest…

Kerry Erwin