Winter Slumber


Snow in the vineyard, March 2024

Winter slumber

“All the leaves are gone…”

 …and it may seem that nothing is happening in the vineyard during the dark, cold months of winter. But nothing could be further from the truth. 

Throughout the dormant season the vines are tracking the hours spent at the “chilling temperatures” between 32º F. and about 50º F. Once they have accumulated sufficient “chilling hours” the plants are fully prepared to break out of their winter slumber and resume growing shoots, leaves, and grape clusters in the spring. 

Just as we humans may be at our best after a good eight hours of sleep, so too the vines will begin a healthy, productive season once they have experienced just the right amount of cold weather.

How they know exactly when to wake up and get to work is one of Mother Nature’s many mysteries. 

—Doug Tunnell  

Kerry Erwin